A Little Bit of Everything

1: Be known as someone who loves God with everything she has
2: Play guitar like JJ
3: Own a coffee shop
4: Live in the 'burbs
5: Live in Cali
6: Go on a few more short-term missions trips
7: Learn to cook really, really well
8: Backpack across Europe
9: Adopt 2 kids
10: Write a book
11: Record a cd (not necessarily of singing)
12: Have a garden
13: Take voice lessons
14: Learn the piano again
15: Make a portfolio of my own photography
16: Own a restaurant (this one's still up in the air)
17: Design my own house
18: Go to NYC
19: Live on a farm
20: Visit all 50 states
21: Road trip...me, a friend, a full tank of gas, some cash, a video camera, and no maps
22: Rock climbing/sky diving/bungee jumping
I'm sure that list will be added to as I think of more stuff. But that's all I got for now.
I found this really funny entry from my old LJ. I thought it was fitting seeing as how Nick was in my small orientation group of 10ish. Enjoy!
well orientation was pretty much the dumbest thing i have ever been to. honestly. it is a waste of good summer time and i wanted to leave SO bad but i knew that i would have to live up to the good kid stereotype and stay. after saying all of that, i have no desire to talk about anything that happened at orientation...minus the fact that i am rooming with nichole mahrt next year:) super happy about that.
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