
Our Value System

Do you realize how effect we, as Christians, would be if we actually believed just a small percentage of what we claim to believe? We say we have passion and love and patience and every other great virtue. But in reality, we all suck. Yah, I said it. We profess so much with our mouths and worry about making sure everyone hears it but we never actually DO anything. Our beliefs aren't what we say. They are what we do.

Okay, so maybe I'm generalizing a lot of Christians. But I seriously do believe that. And I'm not writing that in order to stir up any conflict between me and you or to convince you that I have it all together. Because I don't. I suck just as much as the other guy. But I really hope that we can all take a step back, re-evaluate who we are and our real passions, and step back out in the world with the intent to truly make an impact for Him instead of just going around selfishly trying to make ourselves look good with our cookie cutter religion.



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