
We're all just clay vases...

Last night I got to thinking about what being broken actually means. We always say that we want to be broken before God but I don't think I ever really stopped to think about what that actually meant.

The first thing that I thought about when I got to thinking about all of this was a clay vase. I don't really know why; it's just the first thing that popped into my head. A vase can still be in tact and together with just a little crack in it. It's when the vase breaks that we truly see how weak it really is. All of the cracks are exposed. I think that we try to use our own ability to stay grounded and together. We don't let people see our weaknesses (the cracks, if you will) and it's hard for us to be vulnerable. We only share with others one certain struggle or the "lesser" of our weaknesses. And we only expose ourselves to close, close friends. Surely we wouldn't want other Christians knowing that we struggle with things. But then something happens and it all hits the fan. It seems to me (at least in my own experience) that when these big situations, fights, etc. happen and we basically fall apart, all of our weaknesses and struggles (spiritually) are exposed. Satan takes full advantage of us letting our guard down and we give in to what we have been working so hard to try and hide. But thank goodness that God is our glue. Haha ok. But seriously. God sees us broken into so many little pieces and somehow He forgives us and fixes us. He glues the vase back together. Even with glue, the cracks are still exposed but God holds us together despite it all.

All right. Well I didn't really know why the clay vase immediately popped into my head when I thought about brokenness. But as I was typing this, I remembered the scripture saying that we are the clay and He is the potter. God formed us to be weak, to always be in constant reliance in Him. To need His glue, so to speak. That's pretty sweet.

This was a poor analogy of what I was trying to convey. I hope somehow it worked for you, though.


Blogger Knoxx said...

God's really awesome isn't he!!!!
No matter how much we mess up and how far away from him we walk if we come back then he'll forgive us. It's so cool!!!!!!!!! :-)

My blog address is http://fairyknoxx.blogspots.com (if you're interested)

11:34 AM  

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