
Satan? Psh!

I believe that God allows Satan to attack us. Disagree with me if you want. But God knows what we can and cannot handle and, therefore, would never let Satan dish out more than we could take. Because of these attacks, we are forced to rely on God more and more, trusting that He will provide us with what we need in order to get through it. I pray that I will always be teachable and willing to listen to what God wants throughout all of these moments. Nick pointed out that Satan usually always attacks something that is good. There is no need for him to attack lukewarmness or mediocrity. So if you ever feel as if he is attacking you (and there is a definite difference between Satan attacking and falling away/doing something you know isn't right), don't ever think it's because you aren't right with God. I think God let's Satan attack those that He knows are the most rooted in their faith, will trust and rely on Him, and will be open to teachable moments.


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