Standard Summer Nights

Number two, we decided that we wanted to make crafts tonight (actually, that was all my idea but she was down). So we headed over to Walmart and perused the craft section. And let me tell you, it was a disappointment. They had the worst craft section known to mankind. I think Aim and I might've actually shed a few tears...but that's beside the point. After many grueling hours in that wretched superstore, I finally picked out some beads and string while Aim decided that she was just going to scrapbook (psh).
Number three, we also decided that we would watch a movie. So we drove over to 2nd Cinema and picked out "Elizabethtown." After watching it for a second time, I think it might be one of my all-time favorite movies. A lot of people said that they didn't like it or that it wasn't worth the money that they spent to see it in the theaters but I absolutely love it. I won't give the plot away but the main theme is extracting joy, happiness, and laughter out of unexpected events in your life. These events could be good, bad, sad, amazing, funny...whatever. But you live, you learn, you love, and you move on. I love that. It's such an important lesson that we all forget from time to time. I hope and pray that I can always find the good in people, situations, and whatever else God puts in my life.
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