Friends - New & Old

As much as I love my friends from Bradley and realize that there is more of a chance that they'll be the ones I keep in touch with after college, I still can't help but feel a sense of loyalty to those from Morton. During my senior year (and even during my freshman year at BU), I really connected with a couple of solid group of people that I love. I got together with some of them last night for dinner in Bloomington and it was so much fun. Even though some of us hadn't seen each other in quite a while, it's like we just picked up where we left off. We've all grown as separate people with different experiences thus far in school but we've all grown together - just in different cities around central Illinois, whether it be Morton, Peoria, Chambana, or Bloomington.
I'm not trying to downplay my friendships at Bradley at all. In fact, they are a good reminder that life moves on. As hard as it is to realize that I'll probably lose touch with many of my Morton friends as we finish these next couple of years in school, I have connected with other people. I have made incredible bonds with such incredible people. As time passes and I get to experience new things with my BU friends and not the Mortonites, the more and more I become okay with that.
This is where God has placed me. This is what He intends.
so true, so very true
you're awesome kimmie :)
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