Life in a Nutshell

Get it?
I needed that little bit of humor to ease my mood right now. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed right now.
I should be studying for my Middle Eastern Cultures midterm that's tomorrow night but I just needed a break. That class is honestly 3 hours of non-stop boredom. Josh, Marla, and I were DYING on Tuesday. The most exciting thing that happened was when Josh accidentally stabbed me in the leg with his pencil and our lady teacher stopped class to ask me what was wrong. I had my Western Civ midterm this morning and it went pretty well. That class is actually pretty interesting. I've met a few people in there so it's not as bad as I thought a 7.30am class would be. Plus, Kampfl's a stud. I highly recommend him (he teaches Western Civ at Bradley, too). Business Stats is awesome. He teaches for 2 hours tops (it's supposed to be 3.5 hours) and then we're done. I haven't done any studying/homework outside of class and I got the second highest grade out of two classes on our first test. If you have to take QM262 at Bradley, I suggest you take this class (BUS203) at ICC instead.
People have started arriving for the wedding (we'll have 7-8 house guests by tomorrow night). It stinks because I haven't felt that much a part of the festivities because I am either working or in class. Honestly, the only thing that I've gotten to go to is their first wedding shower at the beginning of June. But I'm looking forward to Friday and Saturday. Awesome doesn't even begin to explain it.
Bed Bath & Beyond:
I work tomorrow, even though I asked off. They even had me scheduled for Saturday but I told them that I absolutely couldn't come in. It's funny how they actually gave me hours on the only days that I asked off. Sweet. I'll probably be scheduled for 4 hours next week or something janky like that. I can't wait to quit and find a job that I actually love. Something is seriously wrong with that place.
Life (in general):
Well, not much to say here. It seems as if so much has been demanding my attention lately. It'll be nice when things finally slow down again and I have a little bit more free time on my hands. Even looking at this post so far, I can tell that I become really negative when I'm stressed out. I don't wanna be that way. Hopefully my mood will change soon. I'm still trying to be patient about certain things. Not that I've stopped praying about them and trusting that God will do what He wants but honestly, I'm a little bit anxious/worried. This will only force me to rely on Him more. About two days ago, I was sad about "it" for the first time. I am slowly letting God tear down these walls that I've put up and, in turn, I'm realizing why I put them up in the first place. But God allows us to feel pain, hurt, disappointment, etc. for a reason. It's only going to grow us and make us stronger, better, and wiser people.
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