Better Days

Did you watch the USA game today? Because I did. The Ghana-Czech game was much more exciting. Maybe it's because they had better REFEREES. That's all I'm going to comment on.
I finally got out tonight. First time all week. Got to spend some quality time with my friends. And I hate car hide and seek. But I love getting fake pulled over and having them run checks on us. Haha...ohhh Morton Police Department. (Disclaimer: I'm not a bad kid at all. If you know me, the worst thing I've ever done, other than getting a failure to yield ticket in front of the entire MHS cross country team, was running off of the Grundy Grade School grounds down to Stephanie Sailor's house in 5th grade)
Honestly, being around your friends can make such a difference. At least for me. My friends are so great. Be jealous. I love you all.
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