
Love, Love, Love

I realized that God's command "Love your neighbor as yourself" really means nothing if I do not love myself. I mean, unless I truly and deeply accept Christ's love and view myself as valuable, I cannot love others the way that God wants me to. It's definitely something that I need to work on. I tend to base my self-worth on other's opinions as well as how I feel about myself at any given moment. Not only that but I am also harder on myself than most people are and tend to think that I'm responsible for everything. Obviously, that can be a little self-destructive. More often than not, I constantly feel as if everything is my fault (even if it's not). As a result, it's hard for me to accept Christ's love because I view myself as a screw-up or worthless instead of the beautiful woman that God views me as. So a new goal for me is to change this self-depracating behavior and mindset. Slowly, the way I love others will change as well.

In other news, Ang and Joe move tomorrow (that's them in the picture). It's so weird to think that they'll never be back. They've always either lived in Morton or just up the road and now they're going to be in Ohio. That's way too far. Especially now that I'm going to be an aunt. But I know that God has big plans for them in Oxford and I'm excited to see how He uses them.

I work a lot this week. And by "a lot", I mean three days in a row. Haha, life's rough. But I'm making enough to support myself for the rest of the summer (aka Turkey Run) as well as through part of the year (aka buying stuff for my room). I guess that doesn't matter since I'll still be working there during the year. Lucky me.

I think I'm beginning to be okay with everything. Ya know, peace is really cool. Not like world peace (I'm not Miss Universe) but inner peace. This summer has been so weird and crazy and I'm totally down with it. Rollin' with the punches. Learning from everything. I like it.

P.S.--Move-in is in about three weeks. Holler.


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