Love, Love, Love

In other news, Ang and Joe move tomorrow (that's them in the picture). It's so weird to think that they'll never be back. They've always either lived in Morton or just up the road and now they're going to be in Ohio. That's way too far. Especially now that I'm going to be an aunt. But I know that God has big plans for them in Oxford and I'm excited to see how He uses them.
I work a lot this week. And by "a lot", I mean three days in a row. Haha, life's rough. But I'm making enough to support myself for the rest of the summer (aka Turkey Run) as well as through part of the year (aka buying stuff for my room). I guess that doesn't matter since I'll still be working there during the year. Lucky me.
I think I'm beginning to be okay with everything. Ya know, peace is really cool. Not like world peace (I'm not Miss Universe) but inner peace. This summer has been so weird and crazy and I'm totally down with it. Rollin' with the punches. Learning from everything. I like it.
P.S.--Move-in is in about three weeks. Holler.
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