
I could go on and about how music brings back so many memories for me. I guess it's just one of those things that I use to "escape reality." Music is such an integral part of my life. It has gotten me through so much and I honestly don't know what I'd do without it. I associate it with so much of what's going on with me at the present time. It's so awesome to put in a CD and have it remind me of everything that has happened to me.
It not only reminds me of the memories but also the lessons. All these memories have shaped who I am, how I make decisions, my personality, etc. They not only have made me a well-rounded person but also have given me wisdom to help instruct others that are going through similar situations. These songs remind me to not make the same mistakes again, that certain things aren't as big of a deal as we make them, that I'll eventually get through tough times and be a better person for it. I guess this why I love music so much.
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