Love Life

That's not at all how it should be. God straight up told us to do everything without complaining. Not only that but He also commanded us to be filled with the joy of the Spirit. To be totally honest, I'm completely sucking at that right now. I need such an attitude adjustment.
I don't want to focus on my problems (which, might I add, are what God is using to test and try me). I don't want it always to be about me. I want to pursue my Father with reckless abandon and have complete faith that He will bring me through everything (seeing as how He placed me in these situations). I want to constantly worship and praise Him for the countless blessings that He has graciously given me.
I was talking with one of my best friends last night about everything that was going on in my life. Most likely, I was complaining and being a huge pain in the butt. But, who knows why, he just sat there and listened. Today he called and was like, "Kim, are you loving life?" I am so thankful that God has blessed me with a friend who can look past all of my complaining and pessimism and see what it's all really about.
And what, you may ask, is it all really about? It's about loving God first and loving others second. As a result, you'll understand that God has a bigger plan than what you can just see at the moment. And if you truly love Him then you'll know that whatever crap you're going through is actually being used for His glory. And so you might as well sit back and enjoy the ride of life. Not just enjoy it but love it and embrace it.
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