So I closed tonight at work. First time all summer. And now I remember why I hate closing. I mean, I didn't really enjoy the whole working at night thing at first because hardly anyone comes in and there isn't a whole lot to do. But then I started working during the day and it was non-stop craziness and it felt like I never got a break. So at first, tonight was actually really nice...just being able to straighten up and not have to constantly be helping someone or working on a project or answering the phone or running around trying to find stuff. But then I realized that people are messy slobs and have zero talent in putting things back the way that they found them and I was getting paid to fix that. But when you have hundreds of those kinds of people coming through, it's not pretty. So I spent close to four hours closing 5 rooms (and I didn't even finish a couple of them). Talk about frustrating (especially when people are still shopping at 9pm). But we finally got out of there at 10:45pm and I just finished watching "Cool Runnings." So I guess it was a pretty satisfying ending to a productive day.
And some advice to you, my readers. Don't come into Bed Bath & Beyond at 9:15pm. I will kill you if I'm working. I need my sleep, though. I'm back there in less than 12 hours. Yuck.
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