Several things to talk about in today's post...
I'd first like to start off saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my wonderful best friend, Aimee Meehan. She turns 19 today and yes, boys...she IS single :)
World Cup. I hope you've all been indulging yourself in this every four year goodness. Now, I understand that most of you probably aren't too into soccer like we are here at the Larson household, but seriously...it's the WORLD CUP. Even if you think soccer is the most boring sport in the universe, just take some time to sit down and at least watch one game. Hopefully you pick a good game with two decent teams playing and after watching, you're outlook on soccer has changed. Oh...and don't expect too much from the USA team. Even though we're ranked 5th in the world by FIFA, we're just a team full of MLS posers who is probably one of the most overrated teams in the tournament. Don't expect big things. I mean, we did just get thrown by the Czech Republic (ranked 2nd in the world) about ten minutes ago.
I've come to realize that I really like history. I would never major or anything in it but my western civ class at ICC is super interesting and I'm really enjoying the reading that I've been doing. I never thought that I would like it (because of the numerous complaints that I heard from my fellow peers about western civ at Bradley). And last night, I realized I'm an organization freak. Welcome to nerdville, Kim.
Eric and Jill are moving stuff into their house today. Weird and awesome at the same time. Only a few more weeks and then they will be married (sidenote: July 1 is also Canada day [celebrate with the Knowles family] and Nick's 20th birthday!). I'm so excited. Jill is such a spectacular girl for Deke and I can't wait to see their future life together. I know that God will bless them richly in their marriage.
1: It builds a solid foundation of trust and communication.
2: Time spent together is more important than any gift, specific date, etc.
3: Make us rely on God fully instead of relying on ourselves or each other.
4: It forces us to really make sure of our thoughts and feelings for each other.
5: Relationships are work. Not everything about them is going to be easy.
6: It's all worth it.
The Turkey Festival redeemed itself on Saturday night. Nick, Marty, Aimee, and I headed out there and to my delight, they HADN'T run out of turkey. They actually had a plethora of it. And what dang good turkey that is. So I bought a pound bag of turkey pieces and Nick and I rocked it like a hurricane. Mmmhmm. And we saw Miss Tremont, aka Kara Sauder (and also my FORMER friend). She had forgotten to inform me that she was even competing in the pageant and long story short, she won, I found out from Aimee, and now we're not friends anymore. Just kidding. I love that girl to death and was so happy for/proud of her. She's quality.
Well, that about sums up my post. I hope you enjoyed. Now get outside...it's beautiful!