
Love, Love, Love

I realized that God's command "Love your neighbor as yourself" really means nothing if I do not love myself. I mean, unless I truly and deeply accept Christ's love and view myself as valuable, I cannot love others the way that God wants me to. It's definitely something that I need to work on. I tend to base my self-worth on other's opinions as well as how I feel about myself at any given moment. Not only that but I am also harder on myself than most people are and tend to think that I'm responsible for everything. Obviously, that can be a little self-destructive. More often than not, I constantly feel as if everything is my fault (even if it's not). As a result, it's hard for me to accept Christ's love because I view myself as a screw-up or worthless instead of the beautiful woman that God views me as. So a new goal for me is to change this self-depracating behavior and mindset. Slowly, the way I love others will change as well.

In other news, Ang and Joe move tomorrow (that's them in the picture). It's so weird to think that they'll never be back. They've always either lived in Morton or just up the road and now they're going to be in Ohio. That's way too far. Especially now that I'm going to be an aunt. But I know that God has big plans for them in Oxford and I'm excited to see how He uses them.

I work a lot this week. And by "a lot", I mean three days in a row. Haha, life's rough. But I'm making enough to support myself for the rest of the summer (aka Turkey Run) as well as through part of the year (aka buying stuff for my room). I guess that doesn't matter since I'll still be working there during the year. Lucky me.

I think I'm beginning to be okay with everything. Ya know, peace is really cool. Not like world peace (I'm not Miss Universe) but inner peace. This summer has been so weird and crazy and I'm totally down with it. Rollin' with the punches. Learning from everything. I like it.

P.S.--Move-in is in about three weeks. Holler.



Love your neighbor as yourself.

How can I effectively do that if I am constantly putting myself down, convincing myself that I'm inadequate?

More thoughts to come...


OT vs. NT

It's been a while since I read anything out of the Old Testament. I think I got into this weird mindset of thinking that the OT was full of a bunch of stories and laws & regulations that we really don't have to follow anymore. But last night, I decided that I would start reading through the OT again. I just read a few chapters of Genesis and saw that my reasons for not reading the OT were completely absurd. Yes, there are quite a few stories but each story is included for a reason; there is some underlying value, principle, etc. that God is illustrating. In the New Testament, God kinda just throws a bunch of commands out there (which I totally dig) but in the OT, the stories illustrate the rewards/consequences of either following or not following these commands. We get to see firsthand God's grace, compassion, wrath, anger, etc. I think that's pretty cool.

Even from reading just a few chapters in Genesis, God taught me the importance of not coveting/being jealous. The entire reason that Adam and Eve ate the apple was because the serpent deceived them into being jealous that God had all the wisdom. They wanted it, too, so they ate the apple. And obviously God told them not to eat from the Tree of Life so He punished them (can't wait to have kids; thanks, Eve) And Cain killed Abel because he was jealous that God like Abel's offering better than his. He wanted God to like his just as much or more than Abel's. Cain even went so far as to lie to God (we think that's ridiculous but how often do we do that? think about it...). So God booted him out of the Garden of Eden.

I don't know how you see all of this but I really do think there are lessons to be learned in the OT if you just give it a chance.

Oh and my last final is tonight. Then I'm done with ICC forever!


Miles to Go

Lift up your eyes and don't stand still
People of the world
And people of the will
Move on and on and on down this road

Don't give up and don't give in
Someday you will be strong again
But there's still miles to go

[Miles to Go.Dave Barnes]



Have you ever wished that you could go back in time and re-do things? Yah, that's how I feel right now. I want things to go back to the way they were. I was fine then. I wasn't worrying about anything. But one day changed it all. Everything that seemed so fine and right in my life, all of a sudden, became constant worries and fears. And it's all my fault. I feel as if I have only myself to blame and that I could have done so much to prevent this.

But you know what? I can't change my situation. I'm a big believer in the present and right now is where I'm at. There's no use wishing that things were different or that I had taken another course of action. I did what I did and now I'm here. So now I need to focus on what I think God wants me to do and say.

On a brighter note, I get to see my Casey tonight! I'm so excited. We are planning on having a girl's night where we can sit and catch up on our lives (a month and a half is way too long for her to be gone). I'm so glad that she's back :)

Oh and Mrs. Stanfield finished the wedding video. I watched some of it today and it's so good. That was such a fun day.


That's the Way I Like It

Life is craziness...as usual. And I'm loving it.

One more week of class and then I'm officially done with ICC (although I was never a full-time student). I'm a little sad, though, because I made a friend and now we won't be able to have our normal 7.30am hang out time every Monday and Wednesday. Oh well.

Once summer classes are over, BBB will probably be taking over my life for a month. I don't mind it as much as I used to. Six hours goes by pretty quickly when you're making stuff up to do. Plus, I need the cash for next school year (even though I'll still be working there while I'm at BU, most likely). Hopefully I can quit by next summer. Well, I know I'll be quitting by next summer because I'll, more than likely, have an internship (at Morton Metalcraft).

And amidst all of this, there is my cousin's wedding, Ang and Joe are moving to Ohio (that's going to be one of the worst days of my life, especially now that I'm going to be an aunt), and a sweet ace camping trip to Turkey Run with some of the best people ever.

I'm a pretty happy camper right now!

AND Casey comes home on Monday! I've missed that girl like whoa.

Tonight, I got to spend some time with my bestest. I haven't seen her in forever. It was amazing to be with her again and catch up on stuff and rant about life and be crazy and sing loudly in the car to Justin Timberlake ("Senorita" to be exact; JT's best song, in my opinion) and laugh constantly.

And if you ever want me to feel so incredibly uncomfortable, just yell "IT HURTS SO GOOD" when I'm rubbing out the knots in your back. Seriously. Who does that?

PS. The picture has nothing to do with this post. I just found it on deviantART and liked it a lot. You should all waste hours looking at the photography on that website like I do.


Bradley Basketball

As I was I walking to my room from the kitchen, I noticed the paper sitting on my mom's chair. Now I'm not one to sit down and just read the paper but today I felt like it. So I picked up the sports page (obviously the most important section) and scanned the front page. Well, thank you PJS, for letting me know that Ray Ray Brown tested positive for marijuana use right after the game against Kansas last year and since the test was administered by the NCAA, he has been suspended for the 2006-2007 season. Basically now, all the athletic department and Les are freaking out and saying that the punishment is too harsh and that he should only be suspended for a half season. And Ray Ray is sitting there saying that his childhood was tough and everyone around him did weed (which I don't doubt the validity of) and he had no choice and he ONLY tried it a few times.

Okay, you want my opinion? I thought so. The NCAA has clearly stated their policies on drug use and if Ray Ray is going to try marijuana when he knows what might happen and the consequences of his choice, then he deserves to be suspended for a season. Yah, he screwed us over even more next year (we were already going to be terrible, by the way) but I'd rather have a suckful basketball team than one that is full of guys who have the athletic department whine and complain for them to get them off the hook for every time they screw up. Don't get me wrong, I want our basketball team to do well just as much as the next guy. I'm probably one of the few students who actually went to the basketball games before we started doing well. But I gotta put that all aside when it comes to this. I have to give it to Ray Ray, though, because throughout the article he had a really positive attitude, saying that he would continue practicing with the team, taking monthly drug tests to stay clean, meeting with his counselor, and proving that he would be ready the next season. But please, Bradley athletic department, let our basketball players take responsibility for their actions.

Never Let You Go

So incredibly powerful.
Give it freely and feel it passionately.
Don't ever wait to tell someone that you love them.
Love as our Father loves.



As I look into the stars
I'm pondering how far away they are
How You hold them in Your hands
And still You know they're small
You know my inner most being, Lord
Even better than I know, than I know myself
What a beautiful God
What a beautiful God

And what am I that I might be called Your child
What am I, what am I
That You might know me, my King
What am I, what am I, what am I

As I look off into the distance
Watching the sun roll on by
Beautiful colors all around me, oh
Painted all over the sky
The same hands that created all of this
They created you and I
What a beautiful God
What a beautiful God

And what am I that I might be called Your child
What am I, what am I
That You might know me, my King
What am I, what am I, what am I
That You might die, that I might live
What am I, what am I, what am I, what am I



The Chica With(out) the Guitar

I always thought I'd be able to learn to play the guitar. Apparently that's farce. I can't play it for the life of me. My hands/fingers are too small, I can't strum at all, and bar chords are impossible for me. And don't say that you'll be able to teach me. Trust me, I've had a lot of people try to teach me (Ben, Deke, Jim, Marty, Nick, Andy, and many more) and I've pretty much sucked every time.

I've always wanted to be that stereotypical girl who carries around the scribbled in songbook (in her overly sized vintage bag) and can just bust out some sweet tunes on her guitar. Not only doing covers of popular classic rock songs to current emo songs but also playing some of her own music. The girl that all the cool skater dudes dig. You know what I'm talking about. The guitar chick. But yah...that's not happening.

Okay, to be totally serious, I really wish that I could play the guitar. I've been getting back into songwriting again and it's been really fun. But I wish that I could put some acoustics to these words/feelings.

As for now, I'll settle with just being me :)

Sorry, Sarge

So I had this crazy dream last night. I can't really remember the whole thing, just bits and pieces. In one part, I got an $80 ticket for parking in a handicapped spot (and I was really mad because if I hadn't been talking on my cell phone, I would've noticed that it was handicapped). And then I had to give Sarge a bath. It went really well minus the fact that I somehow flushed him down the toilet. But I stuck my hand down the pipe and got him out. Yep, that was my dream. I wonder what it means...


Our Value System

Do you realize how effect we, as Christians, would be if we actually believed just a small percentage of what we claim to believe? We say we have passion and love and patience and every other great virtue. But in reality, we all suck. Yah, I said it. We profess so much with our mouths and worry about making sure everyone hears it but we never actually DO anything. Our beliefs aren't what we say. They are what we do.

Okay, so maybe I'm generalizing a lot of Christians. But I seriously do believe that. And I'm not writing that in order to stir up any conflict between me and you or to convince you that I have it all together. Because I don't. I suck just as much as the other guy. But I really hope that we can all take a step back, re-evaluate who we are and our real passions, and step back out in the world with the intent to truly make an impact for Him instead of just going around selfishly trying to make ourselves look good with our cookie cutter religion.



Reduce the Risk

I got home a little bit ago from our random trip up to Michigan. It was awesome to see the guys again and just get away from things here. We all had a lot of fun this weekend. And we definitely did NOT reduce the risk.

Only a couple more weeks of class left. Yahoo. I don't know what I'll do with myself then. Oh wait. Yes, I do. My cousin's wedding, convention, a camping trip, work, and then school starts.

I don't really have anything to write in here. God's been teaching me a lot but I really don't want to post it. So I'm not going to. Haha. I think you'll be fine. Just know that He's been working.



I love the spontaneity of my friends. I just got called about 15 minutes ago asking if I wanted to go up to Miracle Camp (Lawton, Michigan if you don't know) to visit some of our friends who are working there. We are leaving...now. See ya Sunday!

Go BU, Go Go BU

I just got off the phone with my wonderful roommate for next year. I honestly cannot wait until school starts again. It's going to be so great living with Megan, being back on Harper 3, and seeing all my spectacular friends again. August 19th is move-in day...can't wait!


World Cup Humor

If any of you watched the final game of the World Cup, this will be of some interest to you. I laughed.

La Familia (Spanish?)

I immensely enjoy my family. Like, I really love them. I'm so blessed to have a family that I like. I mean, some people love their family but don't really like them. Yah, I love and like mine.

That's all.


Birthdays Galore

Happy Birthday
Steph Ekema
Marty Weiss

And a Happy Belated Birthday to Ben Getz!


The Beat Poet

...if only it were that easy.

Sometimes I get so caught up in talking that I forget to just listen to what God is saying to me. I so badly want Him to hear everything that I have to say, to be able to express in words how I feel. But today, I realized that sometimes I need to just shut up and listen.

I was sitting in my backyard earlier today, listening to music and reading. When I pulled out my journal, I couldn't seem to find any words to write. Frustration followed soon thereafter. It's so hard for me not to want to just write everything that's going through my head on paper (or at least be able to express in words how I feel). Mostly, I think it's because I can go back, then, and analyze it. But today, I searched and searched for words and just couldn't seem to find them. Then I realized, "Hey, dummy. Maybe God is sick of you talking His ear off (not really but you understand what I mean). Why don't you listen to Him for a change?"

So I sat. I put my journal down, closed my eyes, listened to my music, and just sat there. Letting go of things is maybe one of the best feelings in the world. Of course, my problems and struggles didn't just magically work themselves out but it feels so much better to, if only for a little bit, just forget about all of it and know that God is taking care of it. He definitely talked to me during that time. He told me what He desired. Things that didn't make sense before are slowly starting to come together and I'm starting to have that peace again. I'm still far from having a clue about all of it but at least this is one step closer than where I was before.

God still didn't give me a whole lot of words to write down. But He did give me some. And in the form of poetry? Yah I know. God works in mysterious ways. Haha.



I love Saturdays.
I think every Saturday should be...
What do you think?
And I have no idea who that man is in the picture.
But it looks like he is enjoying his skillet cookie as much as I did tonight.


Putting the Pieces Together

I think this is the most jumbled my thoughts have ever been. It's like I'm trying to put this massive puzzle together in my head but none of the pieces seem to fit. It's not one of those wussy 250 piece puzzles either. It's definitely a 1000 piece, double sided, 3-D puzzle. Yah I know. Those don't exist in real life but just imagine with me.

I started reading "Blue Like Jazz" again. Last fall I read it and really liked it but I thought it was time for another run through to actually write down things that I learn throughout the book. I read the first two chapters this morning. Here are some thoughts:
--God is going to convict us of sin in our life but it is our responsibility to search for and seek Him.
--"I believe that the greatest trick of the devil is not to get us into some sort of evil but rather have us wasting time. This is why the devil tries so hard to get Christians to be religious. If he can sink a man's mind into habit, he will prevent his heart from engaging God."
--We want to please those that we love. Why is it so hard, then, for us to want to please God at times? I understand that our sinful nature gets in the way of actually pleasing God but why don't we always want to please Him?
--Our inherent nature is sinful. We must learn/be taught the difference between good and bad. We would continue sinning if we knew that we weren't being watched (checks and balances). Human nature is flawed.
--We tend to blame others (especially the government) for the problems of the world and think that we are doing something great by just having an opinion (and not being apathetic), protesting, etc. But what are we doing that actually has an impact (ie donating money, volunteering, etc)?
--"I am not browbeating myself here; I am only saying that true change, true life-giving, God-honoring change would have to start with the individual." Stop being so narcissistic!

I love the water. For some reason, when I'm on my dock reading my Bible or whatever book I'm reading at the time and journaling, things just seem to flow better. Not only that but the water has this amazing ability to calm my spirit and clear my head. I can almost immediately forget whatever is going on in my life (not that any of it just disappears or anything) and just focus on chilling with God. Easily, I could spend hours upon hours out there. I think everyone should have their own spot. You know, the spot where everything seems to just be right and make sense again. The spot where you realize that your problems aren't a big deal...and that's okay. The spot where they can be alone and surrounded by the awesomeness of God, His beauty, His majesty. The spot where they can be constantly in awe and wonder of our Creator.

Our choices are important. But at the same time, they aren't. In the grand scheme of things, God is going to work out everything. He has a bigger plan than we could ever imagine and He is constantly using our choices for the greater good. BUT our choices also affect others...a lot. I've slowly been realizing this. Whether it be the choice to smile at someone to the choice of how to respond to certain situations. People are affected by our decisions, whether we want them to be or not. It's so important to be reflecting Christ in every choice that we make, setting a Godly example always.

I am becoming too caffeine dependent. You think I'm kidding? How about 2 cups in the morning and sometimes 2 at night? Yah, that's what I thought. Not nearly as bad as some people I know (*cough*NICK*cough*) but still pretty bad for me.

I want to be real with people. I went to Grandad's visitation (not my grandad but Ben and Sam's; I've always known him as Grandad so I'm just going to refer to him as that) on Wednesday. I thought I was doing pretty good by getting there at about 5:05pm (it started at 5pm). There was already a 45 minute line (and a steady stream of incoming people). It was incredible. I never knew that just one person could know that many people and have such an impact on them. As I am constantly striving to be more like Christ, I want to love like He does. I mean, He called us to love like He does. And as I am continually trying to be real, I hope that it comes off as love. You get what I mean? Put simply, me being real = me loving. And as I am loving (or trying to), I want to invest in people's lives, truly care about them, continually pray for them, just be a good friend in general. I hope that I can have just a small percentage of the impact that Grandad had on people.

"Endure hardships as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son is not disciplined by his father?...Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for good, that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it." [Hebrews 12:7,10-11]

God created time. Therefore, it is good. But why, then, does it feel so restricting? Why do I hate the concept of time so much?

Should've been so good
Could've been so right
That was before the day forever died
Wishing on what ifs
Taking my chances
That was before the day forever died
[Matt Wertz]

I'm kind of bummed because I really wanted to make it down to Cornerstone this summer. The pseudo (Marty) and Kurt and everyone went down there on Monday and are camping for the entire week. Gosh, I wish I could've gone. But I must be saving money and attending my classes and working. It'll all pay off later...hopefully. It would've been sweet, though, to see Kurt's band play at Cornerstone. Honey lickin' sweet.

I think a bunch of us are taking a camping trip in early August to Turkey Run. I'm super pumped. I would write more about it but that's all any of us know about it now (other than it's going to be the best part of this summer thus far, other than the wedding). We should probably work out the details soon.

Have any of you thought about how hard it really is to be submissive to higher authorities? (And by higher authorities, I mean parents.) Yah, me too.

For the most part, I think I got most of the thoughts out. Sorry for the longevity of this post. Mad props to those who actually read the whole thing. Now it's time for this girl to get some sleep. I can't wait to work 6 hours tomorrow at BBB (note sarcasm).

Here's a nice little excerpt from "Blue Like Jazz" to end with. I enjoy Don's humor. I hope you do, too: "A couple of years ago, however, I visited a church in the suburbs, and there was this blowhard preacher talking about how television rots your brain. He said that when we are watching television our minds are working no harder than when we are sleeping. I thought that sounded heavenly. I bought one that afternoon."


Allowing Him

When you feel like crying, cry. When you feel like yelling, yell. When you feel like dancing, dance. In every emotion, be true... don't force it away. But, in every emotion, allow yourself to be drawn closer to the heart of God. Cry and allow Him to hold you. Yell and allow Him to calm your spirit. Dance and let Him rejoice with you. Love and let Him love you.
[Ryan Jones]


Not Much to Say

Be real.
Just be stinkin' real.
That's all.



Is it me or do certain CDs/songs/artists remind you of certain people and/or events? On the way to ICC this morning, I put in Fall Out Boy's "Take This to Your Grave" and everything about last summer came to my mind. Memories, feelings, emotions. It was crazy. But then I thought about it a little more and I realized that happens a lot with music.

I could go on and about how music brings back so many memories for me. I guess it's just one of those things that I use to "escape reality." Music is such an integral part of my life. It has gotten me through so much and I honestly don't know what I'd do without it. I associate it with so much of what's going on with me at the present time. It's so awesome to put in a CD and have it remind me of everything that has happened to me.

It not only reminds me of the memories but also the lessons. All these memories have shaped who I am, how I make decisions, my personality, etc. They not only have made me a well-rounded person but also have given me wisdom to help instruct others that are going through similar situations. These songs remind me to not make the same mistakes again, that certain things aren't as big of a deal as we make them, that I'll eventually get through tough times and be a better person for it. I guess this why I love music so much.



Forgetting the past and striving to what's ahead (Philippians 3.12-14). God has been pounding that in my head lately. It's been so hard for me to grasp it, though. I mean, I understand that we need to focus on the eternal and that the Earth isn't our home...but forgetting the past? If you don't know me then you don't know that I'm a logical thinker. I reason things out and use my experiences (or other people's) to make decisions. But I have been realizing that because I do that, I tend to be a little more cautious and reserved. I don't step out in faith and I don't trust the unseen. I know that there's a definite difference between being smart/using my head and being faithless. It just seems as if I constantly go to the extreme and become faithless so that no matter what, I (or someone else) won't get screwed over.

I don't want to be like that anymore. I don't want to miss opportunities and experiences. I don't want to be scared of the unseen. I don't want to always wonder, "What if...?" I don't want to be "safe" and stick with what I am used to.

I think that, speaking for most young adults, we can become so dependent on what we're used to, what's normal to us. I know, at least for me, I'm a little nervous about this transition period in my life. I'm excited for change but I still want to hold on to what I've always known.

People change. Situations change. Circumstances change. Not everything is going to be constant. The only thing constant in our lives is God. If we continually trust Him, we'll be more than okay.

This is Summer

Happy Fourth of July!
Last night was a classic example of a midwestern Independence Day celebration.
Tons of Fireworks: Bottle Rockets. Black Cats. Poppers.
Classic Rock. Sitting Around. Food & Drink.
Soccer. Mosquitos. Pipe & Cigar Smokin'.
Constant Laughter. Being Idiots.
Friends & Memories.

I want to be...

a listener
an encourager
a hard worker
full of grace & mercy
full of integrity


Love Life

Lately, it's been so easy for me to focus on my problems and what's going "wrong" with my life. I only see the bad and what should've been but is not. "What if..."s and "It should/could have been..."s constantly fill my head and conversation. As a result, I tend to be not very fun around, pessimistic, and moody (fancy that).

That's not at all how it should be. God straight up told us to do everything without complaining. Not only that but He also commanded us to be filled with the joy of the Spirit. To be totally honest, I'm completely sucking at that right now. I need such an attitude adjustment.

I don't want to focus on my problems (which, might I add, are what God is using to test and try me). I don't want it always to be about me. I want to pursue my Father with reckless abandon and have complete faith that He will bring me through everything (seeing as how He placed me in these situations). I want to constantly worship and praise Him for the countless blessings that He has graciously given me.

I was talking with one of my best friends last night about everything that was going on in my life. Most likely, I was complaining and being a huge pain in the butt. But, who knows why, he just sat there and listened. Today he called and was like, "Kim, are you loving life?" I am so thankful that God has blessed me with a friend who can look past all of my complaining and pessimism and see what it's all really about.

And what, you may ask, is it all really about? It's about loving God first and loving others second. As a result, you'll understand that God has a bigger plan than what you can just see at the moment. And if you truly love Him then you'll know that whatever crap you're going through is actually being used for His glory. And so you might as well sit back and enjoy the ride of life. Not just enjoy it but love it and embrace it.

They're Married!

The wedding was absolutely and completely perfect.
Laughter. Tears. Joy.
Too many pictures.
Food. Dancing. Friends.
Could it have been better?
I don't think so.
We made some incredible memories this weekend.