All right. I just had a really great talk with Marty for like an hour and a half about our passions. It actually really cleared up a lot for me and with what I've been struggling with as of late. I'll write about it later because I'm le tired. [I really hope you know what that's from. If you don't, we probably can't be friends.]
I'm in that funk again.
Nothing seems to make sense:
My major. This school. Future plans. People.
I don't know anymore.
I only want what He wants.
But sometimes I wish I knew what that was.
Patience is definitely not my forte.
The one person I want to care about me...
...well, he doesn't.
At least, not in that way.
I'm the girl with all the guy friends but no boyfriend.
Not that I even want one now.
I have other things to focus on.
It's just frustrating.
I miss everyone from home terribly.
I wish it was summer again.
Actually, I wish I was 5 years old again.
Then I would have zero worries in my life.
I don't think God designed life to be complicated.
We just make it that way.
Because we're all faithless idiots.
I think life should be filled with:
LOVE (first and foremost) for God, yourself, & others.
HOPE in the past, present, & future.
FAITH in God, people, & situations.
DREAMS about anything under the sun.
LAUGHTER so hard that you [almost] pee your pants.
GRACE for anyone and everyone.
This emptiness consumes all that I am
From the inside out, my soul is stripped clean
I lay it all down to follow the Lamb
Putting my trust and faith in the unseen
My arms are open wide
My heart is crying out
All I can do is surrender
Everything that You've given me
This silhouette that's staring back at me
Can't figure out what He wants for my life
All that I know for sure is what I see
And that's the more I dig, the less I find
My arms are open wide
My heart is crying out
All I can do is surrender
Everything that You've given me
So come fill me with Your never ending love
Hold me close when I run away from You
Shower me with Your sweet grace from above
Give me passion, make my spirit new
My arms are open wide
My heart is crying out
All I can do is surrender
Everything that You've given me
I'm Over It

All right. So I usually don't post about people or whatever and my problems with them and I hate how some people blog using subliminal messages (I think that's just stupid). But I'm really just frustrated right now but I'm not going to name names.
Have you ever met someone who complains about a certain characteristic in other people but the more you get to know them, the more you realize that they themselves struggle hardcore with what they're complaining about in others? Yah, I'm dealing with that right now with a "friend." It's so hard when I don't feel close enough to call them out on in it but it's so blatantly obvious to me and others. I know that I'm supposed to love on them and continue to show Christ to them (and I know that this person is a very rooted Christian so it's not like I'm trying to witness to them or anything) but it's so so so hard for me right now. With a lot of other stuff going on between me and that person, I really don't feel as if I can just be like, "Hey! Take a pill, dude! You are being incredibly hypocritical!"
All right, I know that wasn't very loving and that I shouldn't really rant about other people on here but I just needed to get it out of my system. I'm going to meet Andy for lunch now.
Have you ever met someone who complains about a certain characteristic in other people but the more you get to know them, the more you realize that they themselves struggle hardcore with what they're complaining about in others? Yah, I'm dealing with that right now with a "friend." It's so hard when I don't feel close enough to call them out on in it but it's so blatantly obvious to me and others. I know that I'm supposed to love on them and continue to show Christ to them (and I know that this person is a very rooted Christian so it's not like I'm trying to witness to them or anything) but it's so so so hard for me right now. With a lot of other stuff going on between me and that person, I really don't feel as if I can just be like, "Hey! Take a pill, dude! You are being incredibly hypocritical!"
All right, I know that wasn't very loving and that I shouldn't really rant about other people on here but I just needed to get it out of my system. I'm going to meet Andy for lunch now.
Back @ BU
Time for a real update, I suppose. Everything is moved in a settled now here at Bradley. I'm really digging our room (even though the guys completely switched everything last night) and it's been so great seeing everyone thus far. Not to say that I don't have my fair share of missing the summer and all my friends from home. Because I do. But I know that I can't really change where I'm at and I'm cool with that.
These first few days have been good. For some reason, they just seemed a lot more fun last year. I'm not sure why. I think it was the exhileration of being a freshman and being alone for the first time and all that jazz. This year, it's just like, "Oh, we're back. Let's hang out, I guess." Classes start tomorrow and I'm a little nervous about it. I'm kind of taking a ridiculous load. So be praying for that.
During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. -Hebrews 5:7
So I read that and thought about my prayer life. Let's just say, it's not even one bit close to that. I don't nearly have the same kind of passion nor persistence that Jesus had. And then I got to thinking about why we should "offer up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears." And then the more I thought about it, the more I changed my question to 'why not?'. Think about it. Makes sense.
These first few days have been good. For some reason, they just seemed a lot more fun last year. I'm not sure why. I think it was the exhileration of being a freshman and being alone for the first time and all that jazz. This year, it's just like, "Oh, we're back. Let's hang out, I guess." Classes start tomorrow and I'm a little nervous about it. I'm kind of taking a ridiculous load. So be praying for that.
During the days of Jesus' life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. -Hebrews 5:7
So I read that and thought about my prayer life. Let's just say, it's not even one bit close to that. I don't nearly have the same kind of passion nor persistence that Jesus had. And then I got to thinking about why we should "offer up prayers and petitions with loud cries and tears." And then the more I thought about it, the more I changed my question to 'why not?'. Think about it. Makes sense.
His Love

Have you ever wanted to be someone
Have you ever wanted to reach your dreams
Have you ever wanted life to be more than it seems
I have tasted of a love so wide
That it stops all my time
I have tasted of a love so deep
That it blows my mind
Have you ever wanted to reach up and touch the sky
Have you ever wanted to pack it up and say good-bye
Have you ever wanted someone to care
Have you ever wanted someone to be there
I have tasted of a love so wide
That it stops all my time
I have tasted of a love so deep
That it blows my mind
He is sweet, He is sweet
What your'e looking for
Is my sweet, sweet Jesus
What you're looking for
Is my sweet Lord
[Shawn McDonald.Have You Ever?]
Today's the Day
It's the big morning of move in. Finally. I'm pretty excited (as I excited as I can be at 7.20am). Welp, catch ya later. My next post will be from Harper 305!
Back to Bradley

As I've been packing, I've conjured up some goals that I want to accomplish next semester. I know that all of you are just dying for me to write them but I'm not going to. There are just a few things that I want to really work on this next year while I'm still in the dorms and around my Bradley friends as well as away from my Morton friends. I know that God has placed me right where He wants me and that He's going to use me in whatever ways He wants.
As I was talking to Arin last night about certain situations in my life, I realized that next year is going to be a challenge for me (emotionally, spiritually, mentally). There are so many things that I'm unsure of as I head into next school year. I want them all to turn out okay. But I know that God doesn't necessarily work that way. Hopefully I can just be mature about everything and make the best decisions possible.
All right, I think it's time for me to get back to packing. Walmart errand trip #2 is coming up here in a bit. I wonder how many times I'll be going there in the next two days...

Another day, another dollar...
I guess I'll start with the blog I promised about church. Riverside had a guest speaker, Ray Berryhill, talk about not losing our confidence in Christ because He will reward us if we are faithful to Him. It was such a good reminder. He talked about how Christ challenges/tests us and Satan tries to intercept us but we must keep our focus on Christ and have faith that He will get us through any situation. Also, faith is gained by experience. If we never experience any hardship in our lives, we will never know what true faith is. We also must know who our Father is and who we are in Him. It's so important to figure out our identity in Christ and what good works He has prepared for us to do (being the blessing instead of needing the blessing). This was all stuff that I'm really glad I heard again, especially right before school starts. I know that next year is going to be challenging but as long as I know where my strength comes from (and how it is made perfect in my weakness), He will bring me through any situation or circumstance.
Well, I would write more but I'm tired from working all day and I need to be back at work in less than 12 hours. So it's bedtime for me.
Just an update, my friend Bryan isn't leaving until Thursday. Keep him in your prayers as he prepares for Iraq. Thank you.
I guess I'll start with the blog I promised about church. Riverside had a guest speaker, Ray Berryhill, talk about not losing our confidence in Christ because He will reward us if we are faithful to Him. It was such a good reminder. He talked about how Christ challenges/tests us and Satan tries to intercept us but we must keep our focus on Christ and have faith that He will get us through any situation. Also, faith is gained by experience. If we never experience any hardship in our lives, we will never know what true faith is. We also must know who our Father is and who we are in Him. It's so important to figure out our identity in Christ and what good works He has prepared for us to do (being the blessing instead of needing the blessing). This was all stuff that I'm really glad I heard again, especially right before school starts. I know that next year is going to be challenging but as long as I know where my strength comes from (and how it is made perfect in my weakness), He will bring me through any situation or circumstance.
Well, I would write more but I'm tired from working all day and I need to be back at work in less than 12 hours. So it's bedtime for me.
Just an update, my friend Bryan isn't leaving until Thursday. Keep him in your prayers as he prepares for Iraq. Thank you.
Beginnings and Endings
The summer's almost over. People are starting to move back to their colleges and I'm starting to miss them. Blake leaves tonight, B3 leaves for Ireland tomorrow, and a bunch of people (Aimee, Craig, Stephen, Jeff, Meg) leave on Wednesday.
All in all, this summer was pretty spectacular. I know that God threw a bunch of curveballs my way to grow me and see how I would respond. Coming into the summer, I thought I had everything planned out. But how wrong I was. People came into my life, people left my life, an unexpected surgery, baby Geyer, ICC, BBB, surprise road trips, weddings, continual spontaneity. I got to hang out with the most fabulous friends ever and grow deeper relationships with them. God taught me so much about myself, others, and Himself. Honestly, this might've been the best summer I've ever had.
With that being said, all of those people that read this faithfully (and apparently there's a lot of you), I hope that you have an amazing schoolyear. Keep in touch, even if you're staying at home and just going to ICC.
All in all, this summer was pretty spectacular. I know that God threw a bunch of curveballs my way to grow me and see how I would respond. Coming into the summer, I thought I had everything planned out. But how wrong I was. People came into my life, people left my life, an unexpected surgery, baby Geyer, ICC, BBB, surprise road trips, weddings, continual spontaneity. I got to hang out with the most fabulous friends ever and grow deeper relationships with them. God taught me so much about myself, others, and Himself. Honestly, this might've been the best summer I've ever had.
With that being said, all of those people that read this faithfully (and apparently there's a lot of you), I hope that you have an amazing schoolyear. Keep in touch, even if you're staying at home and just going to ICC.

What's the deal with high schools forcing you to pay for a cap and gown? You only wear it twice (baccalaureate and graduation) and most people rip it off asap. I think that either the school should provide cap and gowns for their students or the students should have to pay very, very minimal prices for them.
With that said, I'm wearing my cap right now. I found it in my closet as I was starting to pack up my stuff. Only about a week left of summer. I'm pretty excited to go back to school but I know that I'm going to miss my friends that are leaving. It's a little bittersweet. I'm basically done packing, except for my clothes and bathroom stuff and big stuff (fouton, chair, lamp, tables, computer, etc.). Looking back on last year, I took way too much unnecessary junk that I never used. So I've been trying to cut down this year. And it's worked. I've only packed 4 computer paper boxes so far (and none of them are full). I think that's all I'm taking, too. I'm pretty satisfied on my simplifying technique.
Church was really good this morning. I'll blog about it later because I need to go get some more stuff done before Bible study tonight. Ciao.
Cell Phones

Pretty Campus = Not Bradley

I went to MU-Ohio because that's where Ang is going to get her doctorate. My mom and I went over to visit Joe & Ang and help paint their new house. I formed the conclusion that Ohio is way better than Illinois.
I got to thinking a lot about my coffee shop. Or at least what I hope God is leading me toward in the future. Oxford is the kind of place where I might like to start my shop. Either there (feels like a small town but has a huge, secular campus; you kind of have to just go to Oxford to know what I'm talking about because it's not just the small town feel, it's a gorgeous area with a lot of open land) or in a completely urban area with a large, secular campus. We will see...
Oh and they've started clearing out the field on the way out to my house for the new subdivision. I'm ticked. Now it's not going to feel like I live out in the country anymore. How lame. I guess it doesn't matter a whole lot since I move into Harper 305 (holla!) in 8 days. Can't wait.
See You Later not Goodbye

The Future Freaks Me Out

It's kind of hard to know what to do now because I added my second major (business management and administration with a concentration in entrepreneurship) because of my decision NOT to do everything that I'm now thinking I might do. You see, I'm very ahead (as in, I'm considered a junior in credit hours) so that really gave me a lot of hours that I needed to fill if I was still going to go four years. So I just added another major. It seemed like the logical thing to do. Especially since I don't want to be an accountant for the rest of my life and I really want to start my own business. But now that I'm thinking about getting my masters, I would need those hours back...which would require me to drop my BMA major. And I also wouldn't get to add a minor in marketing, which I really wanted to do this year.
I guess that's just where I'm at in terms of school right now. Any prayers would be helpful. I just want to do what I feel God is leading me to do. I guess I'm just going to have to keep praying about it and listening to Him.
Front Page

Good Day
Welp, I don't think that today could've gotten any better. Here are some reasons why...
1. I got to sleep in. I had nothing to get up for this morning. No cleaning. No work. No obligations. It was amazing. I don't remember the last time that I got to sleep in just for fun. Funny thing is that every time that I get to sleep in, I always wake up super early, energized and ready to take on the day. I'm not complaining but I just think it's hilarious how that works.
2. Along with the sleeping in thing, I didn't have to work. This was the first of six days that I have off. Heck yes. As much as I'm warming up to BBB, I'm still pretty psyched that I don't have to go back there until next Thursday. Especially now that they are utilizing nighttime put-away and I won't be getting out of there until 11.30pm or so if I'm closing.
3. One word...PAYDAY.
4. I did laundry this morning. I love the smell of freshly laundered clothes. Plus, having clean clothes is a bonus.
5. When I was doing laundry, I thought that I would look for these pants that I somehow lost. Nick described them as the boat seat covering pants. I guess they feel like the material that is on his boat's seats or something. That was very tangential so I'll get back to the point. So I figured I'd look behind the washing machine because sometimes I throw my clothes in there and overshoot just a bit so my clothes end up going behind the washing machine without my knowing (it's happened a couple of times before). So I look behind the washing maching and to my surprise, I don't find my pants but instead my favorite track jacket (and possibly my favorite item of clothing that I've ever owned) that I had lost over a year ago. Huzzah! So I wore it all day (even though it was 90 degrees outside).
6. Convention. I got to see quizzing and a lot of people that I love (whom I don't get to see that often...maybe once or twice a year). Seriously, a lot of these people have made such a large impact on my life (through Miracle Camp). Maybe more of an impact than some people that I'm around all the time or that I've known all my life. Spending just two weeks with them over the summer while camp aiding has built some of the most incredibly strong, solid, trusting, encouraging, Godly friendships that I've ever had. I also got to hang out with some of my really good friends from home whom I haven't seen in a while. I really love being with them and just laughing and having a good time.
Basically, today was an all around amazing day :)
1. I got to sleep in. I had nothing to get up for this morning. No cleaning. No work. No obligations. It was amazing. I don't remember the last time that I got to sleep in just for fun. Funny thing is that every time that I get to sleep in, I always wake up super early, energized and ready to take on the day. I'm not complaining but I just think it's hilarious how that works.
2. Along with the sleeping in thing, I didn't have to work. This was the first of six days that I have off. Heck yes. As much as I'm warming up to BBB, I'm still pretty psyched that I don't have to go back there until next Thursday. Especially now that they are utilizing nighttime put-away and I won't be getting out of there until 11.30pm or so if I'm closing.
3. One word...PAYDAY.
4. I did laundry this morning. I love the smell of freshly laundered clothes. Plus, having clean clothes is a bonus.
5. When I was doing laundry, I thought that I would look for these pants that I somehow lost. Nick described them as the boat seat covering pants. I guess they feel like the material that is on his boat's seats or something. That was very tangential so I'll get back to the point. So I figured I'd look behind the washing machine because sometimes I throw my clothes in there and overshoot just a bit so my clothes end up going behind the washing machine without my knowing (it's happened a couple of times before). So I look behind the washing maching and to my surprise, I don't find my pants but instead my favorite track jacket (and possibly my favorite item of clothing that I've ever owned) that I had lost over a year ago. Huzzah! So I wore it all day (even though it was 90 degrees outside).
6. Convention. I got to see quizzing and a lot of people that I love (whom I don't get to see that often...maybe once or twice a year). Seriously, a lot of these people have made such a large impact on my life (through Miracle Camp). Maybe more of an impact than some people that I'm around all the time or that I've known all my life. Spending just two weeks with them over the summer while camp aiding has built some of the most incredibly strong, solid, trusting, encouraging, Godly friendships that I've ever had. I also got to hang out with some of my really good friends from home whom I haven't seen in a while. I really love being with them and just laughing and having a good time.
Basically, today was an all around amazing day :)
Make It Work
Decisions are weird. Sometimes I feel as if I have so much evidence and backing yet I have no peace with what I've decided. And on the other end of the spectrum, there can be zero logic yet I feel as if that's what God is calling me to do. Complete opposites. So I stand firm on my decision that decisions are weird. Haha. No. But seriously, I guess that's what faith is. Knowing that God will direct us and guide us in every step of this journey. And that's a pretty sweet deal, if I do say so myself.
Robert didn't get the boot this week. But he was close. I almost had a heart attack. "So what if I [watch Project Runway]? So judge me." (If you don't get it, don't worry about it.)
Robert didn't get the boot this week. But he was close. I almost had a heart attack. "So what if I [watch Project Runway]? So judge me." (If you don't get it, don't worry about it.)
Closing Time

And some advice to you, my readers. Don't come into Bed Bath & Beyond at 9:15pm. I will kill you if I'm working. I need my sleep, though. I'm back there in less than 12 hours. Yuck.